Copyright Policy

Our Commitment to Copyright Respect

  • Our website does not host any content that breaches copyright laws.
  • All products on our site are covered by the GNU General Public License.
  • WordPress plugins and themes from WpDoubleDeal can be freely shared under the GPL.
  • If you share something from WpDoubleDeal, please mention where you got it for others to find more information or newer versions.

Reporting Copyright Infringement

  • If you think that something on WpDoubleDeal violates copyright, please tell us.
  • Send an email with:
    • The signature of someone who can represent the copyright owner.
    • Details of the copyrighted work you think is infringed.
    • Where the possibly infringing material is on our site.
    • Your contact details, like address, phone number, and email.
    • A statement that you believe, in good faith, that the material isn’t authorized by the copyright owner, their agent, or the law.
    • A declaration that your information is correct and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
  • Email this to

Note on False Claims

  • Be aware that you can be held responsible for damages if you wrongly claim that something is infringing under the DMCA.
  • Under the law, the copyright owner must consider if the use of the material is a fair use before claiming infringement.

WpDoubleDeal’s Role

  • We may check the material you claim is infringing and decide if it is.
  • The information in your legal notice will be given to the person who provided the allegedly infringing content.
  • We might also share your notice (without your personal details) with others for educational or research purposes.